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Git Terminology Part1
Question Posted on 03 Jul 2023

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Git Terminology Part1

Git Terminology Part1

When we say about the Git Terminology it is vast and jargon. Sometime it can be very difficult for new users or the user who have the basics knowledge but he wants to become Git masters. So it is an important point to cover Git terminology so we have tried to cover some common used terms.

Some commonly used terms are given below:

When we say about the branch in Git it is a version of repository which diverges from the main working project. And it is one of the essential feature avialble in most modern version control systems. And when we say about the Git project branches it can have one or many branches. And here we can perform many operations on Gir branch and these are like list, delete, rename etc.

IT is very important when we say about the devloper point of view. And this checkout term is used for the act of switching in between different versions of target entity. And this Git checkout command is mainly used to switch between branches in a repository.

When we want to commit some code form one branch into another branch is called Cherry-Picking. And there may be some situation when we have made a mistake and commit some wrong branch, but we do not want to merge the whole branch. Then we can revert the commit and do cherry-pick it on another branch.

When we say about the Git cline it is a Git command-line utility. And it is used to make a copy of the target repository or clone it. ANd if you want a local copy of your repository from GitHub we use this Git clone to create a local copy of that repository on your local directory from the repository URL.

When we say about the Fetch command in Git it is mainly used to fetch branches and tags from one or more other repositories, which include with the objects necessary to complete their histories. And this will updates the remote-tracking branches.

When we say about the HEAD in Git this will be representation of your last commit in the branch which is currently checkout branch. And we can also think of the head which is like a current branch. And in case we switch branches with Git checkout the HEAD revision changes and this will points to new branch.

When we say about the Index in Git it is a staging area between the working directory and repository. And it is used as the index to build up a set of changes we want to commit together.

When we say about the Master in Git it is a naming convention for Git branch. And we can also say that it is a default branch of Git. Once we clone a project from a remote server which results the local repository which contains only a single local branch. And this branch is called a "master" branch which also means that "master" is a repository default branch.

As the name suggest "merge" which means to combine something here merging is the process to put a forked history back together. And Git merge command helsp you to take the data created by Git branch and integrate them into a single branch.

When we say about the Origin in Git it is a refrence to the remote repository from a project was initially cloned. And mostly it is used instead of that original repository URL to make referencing much easier.

(11)Pull/Pull Request
When we say about the Pull in Git it is used to receive data from GitHub. And this will fetch and merges changes on the remote server to your working directory. And Git pull command is used to make a Git pull.
To understand this we will define more deatils. Pull requests are a process for a developer to notify team members that they have completed a feature. Once their feature branch is ready, the developer files a pull request via their remote server account. Pull request announces all the team members that they need to review the code and merge it into the master branch.

As the work Push means inserting some thing here Push term refers to upload local repository content to a remote repository. Here Pushing is an one act which willtransfer your commits from your local repository to a remote repository. Pushing is capable of overwriting changes; caution should be taken when pushing.

There are certain situation when we need to merge two or three commits or sequence of commits to a new base commit here we use Rebase. Or we can say that Rebase is referred to as the process of moving and combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit. Rebasing is very beneficial and visualized the process in the environment of a feature branching workflow.
When we say about the content perception Rebase is one of the technique to change the base of your branch from one commit to another.

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