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Node.js Tutorial
Parts of Node.js
Features of Node.js
Install Node.js Windows
Install Node.js Linux
Node.js First Example
Node.js Console
Node.js REPL
Node.js NPM
Node.js CL Options1
Node.js CL Option2
Node.js Globals
Node.js OS
Node.js Timer
Node.js Errors
Node.js DNS
Node.js Net
Node.js Crypto
Node.js TLS/SSL
Node.js Debugger
Node.js Process
Node.js Process Example
Node.js Process Example2
Node.js Child Process
Child Process EXEC
Child Process SPAWN
Child Process Fork
Node.js Buffers
Node.js Streams
Node.js Reading Stream
Node.js Writing Stream
Node.js Piping Stream
Node.js Chaining Streams
Node.js File System Part1
Node.js File System Part2
Node.js File System Part3
Node.js Path
Node.js StringDecoder
Node.js Query String
Node.js ZLIB
Node.js Assertion
Node.js V8
Node.js Callbacks
Node.js Events
Node.js Punycode
Node.js TTY
Node.js Web Module


Node.js Tutorial
Question Posted on 25 Jan 2024

Home >> Tutorial >> Node.js Tutorial >> Node.js Tutorial

Node.js Tutorial

Node.js Tutorial

Well this tutorial will provides you basic and advanced concepts of Node.js. We have design this tutorial in such a way that it will help for both beginners and professionals.

Node.js is a cross platform environment and library to run JavaScript applications. And that is used to create networking and server side applications.


In this tutorial we will includes all topics of Node.js just like:-
(1)Installation on windows/linux
(2)REPL, Package Manager
(3)Callbacks, event loop
(4)OS, Path, Query String
(5)Cryptography, Debugger
(6)URL, DNS, Net, UDP
(7)Child Processes, Buffers
(8)Streams, File Systems
(9)Global Objects, Web Modules
We also include Node.js interview questions whcih help you to better undersatnd the Node.js technology.

What is Node.js

Node.js is a cross platform runtime environment and a library mainly to run JavaScript applications outside the browser. And this is used to create server side and networking web applications. Node.js is open source and free to use. And you can download the Node.js from this link https://nodejs.org/en/

Many basic modules of Node.js are written in JavaScript. Node.js is mostly used to run real time server applications.

And when we say about the official definition given in documentation is given below:-

?Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.?

Well Node.js, also provides rich library of various JavaScript modules to simplify the development of web applications.

Node.js = Runtime Environment + JavaScript Library

Other Important Questions
Parts of Node.js
Install Node.js Linux
Node.js First Example
Node.js Globals
Node.js DNS

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