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Write down most common difference in between range() and xrange()?
Question Posted on 22 May 2022

Home >> Python Programming >> Python Questions >> Write down most common difference in between range() and xrange()?

Write down most common difference in between range() and xrange()?
Basically range() and xrange() are mainly used to iterate in a for loop for a fixed number of times. By function both of these functions are same. And the only difference when we talk about python version support and their return values.

Base of differencerange() Methodxrange() Method
SupportWhen we say about Python 3 xrange() is not supported and only range() function is sued to iterate in for loops.xrange() function is used in Python 2 to iterate in for loops
Returns typerange() method is mainly returns a listxrange() returns a generator object as it doesnot really generate a static list at the run time
Memory Usedrange() method will take more memory as it needs to keeps the entire list of iterating numbers in memoryAnd on another hand xrange()will take less memory due to it keeps only one number at a time in memory.

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