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Main difference in between SQL, MySQL and SQl Server?
Question Posted on 27 Sep 2022

Home >> DataBase >> sql questions >> Main difference in between SQL, MySQL and SQl Server?

Main difference in between SQL, MySQL and SQl Server?
Below are the main difference in between SQL, MySQL and SQL Server:-

NumberBase of differenceSQLMySQLSQL Server
1AppearedSQL was first appeared in 1974.When we say about MySQL it was first appeared on 23 May 1995.SQL Server was first appeared on 24 April 1989.
2Developed bySQL was developed by IBM corporation.On the other hand MySQL was developed by Oracle corporation.SQL Server was developed by Microsoft Company.
3Use of variablesWhen we say about variables in SQL there is no variables.On the other hand MySQL can use variables constraints and data types.SQL Server can use variables constraints and data types.
4DefinitionWhen we say about SQL (Structured Query Language) is useful for managing our relational databases. And it is used to query and operate the database.MySQL is one of the most popular database management system which used for managing the relational database. It is scalable, fast and easy to use database.SQL Server is an RDBMD database system which mainly developed for the windows system to store,retrieve and access data requested by the developer.
5Used forSQL is a query language to manage databases.MySQL is database software that uses SQL language to conduct with the database.SQL Server is also a software that uses SQL language to conduct with the database.
6UpdateAS we knows SQL is a programming lanaguage so it does not get any updates.Its commands are always fixed and remain the same.MySQL is software, so it gets frequent updation.SQL Server is also software, so it gets frequent updation.
7ConnectorSQL does not have support for any connector.MySQL comes with an integrated tool(MySQL workbench) for designing and building databases.SQL Server built-in connector is available only for Standard logic app workflows in Azure Logic Apps.
8StorageWhen we say about storage SQL supports a single storage engine.When we say storage in MySQL this will supports multiple storage engines and also plug-in storage engines.SQL Server supports multiple storage engines and also plug-in storage engines.
9Writtent in -MySQL is written in C and C++MSSQL is written in C and C++

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