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The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage Q23.
Question Posted on 23 Dec 2023

Home >> CAT >> CAT VARC >> The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage Q23.

The passage given below is followed by four alternate summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the passage Q23.

Choose the correct option from below list
(1)As a result of developments in navigation technology, European colonialism, led to the displacement of indigenous populations and global political changes in the 16th century.
(2)Colonialism, conceptualized in the 16th century, allowed colonizers to expand their territories, establish settlements, and exercise political power.
(3)Technological advancements in navigation in the 16th century, transformed colonialism, enabling Europeans to establish settlements and exert political dominance over distant regions.
(4)Colonialism surged in the 16th century due to advancements in navigation, enabling British settlements abroad and global dominance.

Answer:-(3)Technological advancements in navigation in the 16th century, transformed colonialism, enabling Europeans to establish settlements and exert political dominance over distant regions.

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