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Mention common difference in between OLTP and OLAP?
Question Posted on 13 Nov 2022

Home >> Programming Languages >> Programming >> Mention common difference in between OLTP and OLAP?

Mention common difference in between OLTP and OLAP?
Below are the 12 most important difference in between OLTP and OLAP:-

NumberBase of differenceOLTPOLAP
1Full FormOnline Transactional Processing Systems(OLTP)Online Transactional Analytics Systems(OLAP)
2Source of DataSourceWhen say about DataSource for OLTP actually OLTP systems are itself the source of the data.And data to OLAP comes from different OLTP databases.
3Target AudienceWhen we say about the audience for OLTP it is mostly for market insight.When we say about the OLAP it is customer insight.
4IntegrityWhen we say about the OLTP it is a system which are required to maintain data integrity.When we say about the OLAP this systems are not modified very frequently so data integrity is not compulsory.
5AccessWhen we say about OLTP read and write both accesses are permitted.Mostly read access is permitted, and rarely write is allowed.
6Backup and RecoveryWhen we say about the Backup and Recovery in OLTP a complete and back for all the databases is required since data availbility is very critical in OLTP Systems.OLAP systems are backed on a timely basis and not regular.
7Table NormalizationWhen we say about the Database Table Normalization in OLTP here tables are highly normalized.When we say about Database table Normalization in OLAP here systems are typically de-normalized.
8Response TimeWhen we say about the response time of OLTP system it is in milliseconds.When we say about the response time of OLAP system it is larger and might vary from seconds to minutes to even hours.
9Use OfWhen we say about the OLTP it makes use of traditional DBMS system.When we say about the OLAPit makes use of data warehouse.
10QueriesHere in OLTP small and simple queries which take care of data processing.Here in OLAP we use relatively larger and complex queries.
11Insert and UpdateWhen we say about the insert and update in OLTP it is fast and short insertion and updating of user data.When we say about the OLAP insert and update in OLAP it mainly uses for long-running batch jobs which take care of data insertion.
12ProcessWhen we say about the Process in OLTP it is used to manage transactions which are happening every day to update the database.When we say about the OLAP it is used to retrieve the data from OLTP system and carry analysis over the data.
13NeedWhen we say about the need in OLTP it helps to run the business semlessly.When we say about the Need is is use to analyze and predict business, to find out the lacking and booming area in the business and accordingly act.

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