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What is the difference in between JDBC and ODBC?
Question Posted on 01 Dec 2023

Home >> Java >> Java Questions >> What is the difference in between JDBC and ODBC?

What is the difference in between JDBC and ODBC?
Below are the most common differences in between JDBC and ODBC:-

NumberBase of differenceJDBCODBC
1Full FormWell full form of JDBC is Java DataBase CommunityFull form of ODBC is Open Database Connectivity
2BaseJDBC is based on Object Oriented.OBBC is a procedural.
3DefinitionWell JDBC(Java DataBase Community) is basically an application programming interface for the Java programming language to get the client database access features.ODBC(Open Database Connectivity) is basically a standard application programming interface to communicate and access database management systems.
4Language dependencyAs this is being implemented on Java, we can only enhanced and implement this on Java languages.Well we say about the language of ODBC, it can be implemented for any languages like C, C++, Java etc.
5Security ModelWell JDBC mainly works with respect to the Java Secuirty Model.ODBC is mainly based and implemented on the Windows NT Secuirty Architecture Model.
6ArchitectureWell when we say about the JDBC architecture this will supports both Two and Three tier layer processing DB Models. But mainly it consists of two layer of architecture. Just like JDBC API and JDBC driver API.Well ODBC architecture mainly consists of four components and these are The driver, Driver Manager, API and Data Source.
7Platform DependencyWell when we say about the JDBC,It is mainly based on Java and thus it becomes platform independent. So it can work on any platforms irrespective of MS Windows and Linux platforms.Well in case of ODBC, it can be executed only in windows based platforms.
8SupportWell there are lot of community support for JDBC and its users.Well ODBC is costly, and they provide a larger range of community and paid support. Normally all of ODBC versions use to provide long-term customer support.
9Mode of OperationWell it mainly runs on the Java Programming language and can be compiled directly at the runtime.It is mainly implemented on Visual Basic langauge and thus the code needs to be interpreted and then it can be executed.
10SimplicityIn case of JDBC, coding is the initial step of programming complex queries and it is easier than programming.In the case of ODBC, it handles different complex situations and queries to produce the proper machine level outputs. So, it is basically an advanced version of coding and other different approaches. Thus, it is much more complex than JDBC
11SecuirtyWell in case of JDBC, as users normally do not have the access to teh core system settings, hence the violations and secuirty gaps can be corrected quickly.And in case of ODBC,being more user interactive server it is prone to user errors. Thus, from the security perspective, JDBC would be a better choice.

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