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Explain the New feature SQL Server Ledger of SQL 2022?
Question Posted on 20 Jul 2023

Home >> DataBase >> sql questions >> Explain the New feature SQL Server Ledger of SQL 2022?

Explain the New feature SQL Server Ledger of SQL 2022?
When we say about the Ledger feature of SQL Server 2022 it is just similar of BlockChain but without the complexities and energy that we need in Blockchain. And in this feature SQl Server ensure that datatbase must be secured and no one can alter it without authorised access. And there is special lock which keeps everything safe and also help to view if there is any unwanted or unrecongnised changes. And this feature is perfect for business which track of their important data and to ensure the security of their data.

And to better understand we will take a example of an ice cream company. As it is wish of every ice cream company that there ice cream stays fresh. And to do that they will use the Ledger feature to collect all information from different people which involved in the process(Supplers and Shipping company). Therefore, the ice cream company can check if anything went south and find out who is responsible. And any change which are made in data will be recorded by the Ledger in special way that cannot be changed later. And this will help to keep all the data safe and secured. Another useful thing about the ledger is that you can check the whole history of data, and you can also see what has been changed and what they were in previous version. So we can say the SQL use Ledger feature more environmentally friendly than blockchain since way less energy is used.

Ledger is one of the cutting-edge and game-changing technology which mainly use Blockchain-inspired principles to ensure the accuracy and integrity of our financial data. And with the ledger we can even track our client transactions with complete transparency from inception to settlement, and due to this client can be confident that their data is secure and tamper-proof. And we can also say that ledger is fully complaint with international financial regulations. And this will also helps us to build stronger relation ship with our clients. And client must appreciate the transparency and clarity you provide to him. Andthe main benefits is that ledger is compatible with Azure SQL Managed Instance.

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