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Write down some common difference in between OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0?
Question Posted on 14 Jan 2023

Home >> Authentication Authorization >> OAuth >> Write down some common difference in between OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0?

Write down some common difference in between OAuth 1 and OAuth 2?
Below are the some of the common difference in between OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0. As we are aware that OAuth 2.0 is a complete rewrite of OAuth 1.0. And there are several areas that are challenging and need improvement in version OAuth 1.0 so OAuth 2.0 came into the picture.

Base of differenceOAuth 1.0OAuth 2.0
Non-browser applicationsWhen OAuth 1.0 is designed its focus is on interaction of inbound and outbound messages in web client applications so it is inefficient for non-browser clients.So in version OAuth 2.0 this issue has been addresses and is version introduce more authorization flows for different client needs that do not use web UIs.
Complexity ReducedIn version OAuth 1.0 if we need to call API this will generate a signature and on receiving endpoint signautre is matched then access or oder is processed.But in version OAuth 2.0 this do not need to generate signatures and uses TLS/SSL (HTTPS) for communication.
Separation of rolesHave limited data in roles.Handling resource requests and handling user authorization can be decoupled in OAuth 2.0. It has clearly defined the roles involved in communication which are client, resource owner, resource server, and authorization server.
Access tokenWhen we say about the access tokens we can stored that for a year or more. But when we say about token in OAuth in 2.0 access tokens can contain an expiration time which mainly improves the security and reduces the chances of illegal access. And it offers a refresh token which can be used to get a new access token at the access token expiration without reauthorizing.

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