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Write down main difference in between MySQL and PostgreSQL?
Question Posted on 12 Nov 2022

Home >> DataBase >> MySQL >> Write down main difference in between MySQL and PostgreSQL?

Write down main difference in between MySQL and PostgreSQL?
Below are the main difference in between MySQL and PostgreSQL:-

NumberBase of differenceMySQLPostgreSQL
1BasicWhen we say about the MYSql it is Open-Source based System which is being run by oracle corporation.When we say about the PostgreSQL it is Open- Source and maintained by a volunteer.
2UnderstandingWhen we say about handling of MySQL it is much complicated then MySQL.When we say about handling of PostgreSQL it is easier then MySQL.
3Type of DatabaseWhen we say about the type of databse in MySQL it prefer a relational database system.When we say about the type of databse in PostgreSQL it uses as object-relational database system.
4Data ReplicationWhen we say about the MySQL has master standby replication.PostgreSQL enables master standby capabilities with WAL operations.
5Use of XMLIn MySQL we cannot use XML.In PostgreSQL we can use XML.
6Heavy DatasetsWhen we say about Huge Datasets we can use OLAP/OLTP operations.PostgreSQL is perfect choice for data science and machine learning.
7Security OptionWhen we say about the Secuirty option in MYSQL we can use access control security performance.When we say about PostgreSQL SE-PostgreSQL extension for PostgreSQL adds extra security restrictions based on the SELinux security strategy.
8BackUPMySQL will not offers backup.PostgreSQL will offer online backup.
9BenefitMySQL helpfull for both large and small projects.When we say benefits of PostgreSQL it is an extensive database management system, it is well suited to complex queries.
10DisadvantagesWhen we say about one disadvantage or drawback of MYSQL it has a very limited security benefits.PostgreSQL requires a steep learning curve and little community assistance.
11TrobleshootMySQL has very vast and simple as it has a friendly and helpful community.Troubleshoot in PostgreSQL is very complex when we compare this with MySQL.
12LicenceMySQL has licence under MIT.There is no licence fees so no risk of over deployment.
13Support of JSONBoth of these supports JSON for storing and transporting data.PostgreSQL supports JSONB in a binary form of JSON which eliminates duplication keys and unnecessary whitespace.
14SyntaxIt is similar to SQL language and syntax.This is based on SQL standard.
15Programming LanguageMySQL will supports different languages like Supports R, PHP, Java and Perl.PostgreSQL will supports high level languages like Python, Java, Erlang.
16IndexingThis includes R-trees and B-trees.This will includes expression indexes and partial indexes.
17Famous CompanyFamous company like Netflix, Amazon and Uber.Famous company using PostgreSQL Apple, Instagram and Cisco

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