Professional Scrum Master II Actual Questions Page5

Question No:-21

What is management's role in Scrum?

  1. To provide the necessary environment and support needed as defined by the Scrum Guide by providing insights and resources that help the Scrum Teams continue moving forward.
  2. Identifying and removing people that are performing poorly.
  3. Monitoring skill levels of the Development Team.
  4. Monitoring the Development Team's velocity.


Question No:-22

What would likely happen if management only changed the organization's current terminology to fit Scrum without the proper understanding and support of Scrum as defined in the Scrum Guide?

  1. Very little change will happen as the vocabulary in Scrum is specifically defined for implementing Scrum.
  2. The organization may not realize the real benefits of Scrum as there would be no real change on the way the teams work.
  3. Organizations may feel less stressed as the behaviors would remain familiar to management.
  4. All answers apply.


Question No:-23

Which statement best describes Scrum?

  1. A clearly defined methodology that defines the software development process.
  2. A manual for defining best practices for software development.
  3. A clearly defined and predictable process that follows the principles of Computer Science.
  4. A framework to address complex products in complex environments.


Question No:-24

In order to start the first Sprint, Scrum only requires a Product Owner with enough ideas, a Development Team to execute on those ideas, and a Scrum Master to guide the process.

  1. True
  2. False


Question No:-25

Scrum is based on which of the following?

  1. Defined process.
  2. Complex process.
  3. Empiricism.
  4. Hybrid model


1 | 2 | 3 | 4| 5

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